Japanese Community Events

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TAKAIKO AIKAWA: So on campus, besides our language classes, our students have some opportunities to interact with native Japanese speakers, or so we have lots of events. One major event is lunch table. That is actually sponsored by MIT Japan, which actually is a program that sends a lot of our students to Japan as internship. So together with MIT Japan program, we host a Japanese lunch table once a week, so that students go to lunch table and then the native speakers of Japanese, especially the Japanese Wives Club at MIT, they really support this activity.

We also have a Japan at MIT event. This event is also in collaboration with MIT Japan. And at the beginning of each semester, we kind of have a big party, together with sushi, and then we introduce language program. At the same time, we introduce a lot of Japan-related culture courses. And then we invite Japanese Wives Club so that students can be exposed to cultural activities, such as tea ceremony or how to wear kimono, those kind of things.

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