Assessment Strategies

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TAKAKO AIKAWA: So we have the daily grade system. This is so students are supposed to practice, you know, online exercises by themselves before the class. And then-- so we grade their performance in class based-- and then based on their performance, like the best performance is going to be graded like 10.10. And then if students just come to class without any preparation, they may get either six or seven depending on the instructor. So daily grade system is a great incentive for students to practice outside of the class or before the class.

So we had so-called interview test twice for each semester. And what we do is actually one to one kind of interview setting, usually, like, five to seven minutes, again, depending on the level. That-- what we do as teachers kind of elicit some questions so that student can answer, you know, particular forms and grammar patterns. So, the interview test, we do like five to seven minutes for each student.

If you have like 50 students, having interview test itself is actually a lot of work. We usually spend one day, sometimes two days, actually. We like to give individually feedback on their performance, but that itself, again, additional, like, two to three days, we cannot afford it. So we usually get just a point, not-- and then if there are some, you know, specific issues, say, like, you know, some students are not good at pronouncing particular words, and then we provide specific feedback. Otherwise, usually we just spend-- we just give the point.

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