
Readings listed in this section are from the required textbook:

Buy at Amazon Kleppner, Daniel, and Robert J. Kolenkow. An Introduction to Mechanics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1973. ISBN: 9780070350489.

1 Intro and vector definitions Chapter 1
2 Motion in cartesian and polar coordinates
3 Newton's laws and forces Chapter 2
4 Application of Newton's laws I
5 Application of Newton's laws II
6 Momentum Chapter 3
7 Collisions I
8 Rocket motion
9 Energy Chapter 4
10 Potential energy
11 Energy conservation
12 Collisions II
13 Fixed axis rotation Chapter 6
14 Moment of Inertia
15 Rotational and translational motion
16 Rigid body motion Chapter 7
17 Gyroscopic motion I
18 Gyroscopic motion II
19 Cavendish experiment
20 Moment of Inertia tensor
21 Euler's equations/accelerated reference frames Chapters 7 and 8
22 Accelerated and rotating reference frames Chapter 8
23 Central force motion and Kepler's laws Chapter 9
24 Foundations of relativity Chapter 11