
Part I: Theoretical Framework
1 Introduction: A General Introduction to the Course, the Main Substantive Themes and the Requirements
2 Social Movements, NGOs and Civil Society: How are They Different?
3 Social Movements and the State: How Do They Interact?
4 Law, Social Movements and Public Policy: Changing Domestic Contexts
5 Law, Social Movements and Public Policy: Changing Global Contexts
Part II: Domestic and Comparative Experience
6 Legal and Social Change in the US: Contesting Perspectives
7 Environment as an Arena of Struggle
8 Law and American Labor Movement
9 Feminism and Women's Movements
10 Race, Poverty and the Struggle for Social Justice
11 The Conservative Movement, Policy Change and Law
12 Preparation for Field-component on Occupy Wall Street
13 Field Work Report Back
14 Legal and Social Change in India: The Role of Mobilization and Activism
15 Women's Rights v. Gender Justice
16 Caste and the Struggle with/through Law
17 Contesting Development: Law and Struggle in the Narmada Valley
18 Human Rights, Social Movements and Public Interest Litigation
Part III: Law and Global Public Policy from Below
19 Beyond the State? Changing Contexts for Law-making and Application at the Global Level
20 The World Commission on Dams and the Struggle over Development
21 Setting Global Environmental and Health Policy: The Case of Nuclear Weapons
22 Global Economic Institutions and Resistance from the Margins
23 The World Trade Organization as a Policy Machine
24 Human Rights Law as Global Public Policy
25 Conclusion and Review Class