Related Resources

Please read the article "Writing a Math Phase Two Paper" by Professor Kleiman.

There are a number of other articles on the Web which talk about mathematical writing. Here are some that are recommended:

A Guide to Writing Mathematics (PDF)

Mathematical Writing Checklist (PDF)

Common Errors in the Writing of Mathematics This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.(PDF)

For general information about reading mathematics, please consult the article "How to Read Mathematics" by Shai Simonson and Fernando Gouveau.

The labs in this course are based on those given in Professor Robert L. Devaney's textbook, Buy at Amazon A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems. New York, NY: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, The Advanced Book Program, 1995. ISBN: 0201554062 , and in his course at Boston University. They utilize the resources provided by him on The Dynamical Systems and Technology Project Web site.