Related Resources

Chemistry Links

Links to these pages are provided for those who wish to further explore the course topics. In some instances, the procedures and experiments described there are similar to those used in this class. This may provide additional insight into the experiments covered in this course.

Asymmetric Diels-Alder

More on flash chromatography:


NMR Spectroscopy Tutorial -- a brief overview about the theory and then some examples of spectral analysis. Also included is a table of chemical shifts!!
Infrared Spectroscopy Tutorial -- brief overview of theory behind IR spectroscopy, some sample spectra, and a table of absorption frequencies!! Mass Spectroscopy Tutorial -- brief overview of theory sample spectra to analyze.


Rasmol -- a structure viewing program intended for the visualization of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. Can read most of the major molecular file formats.

Writing your Report

See Guidelines for the Authors, Accounts of Chemical Research.

Other Chemistry Departments of Interest

Columbia University -- check out the Chemgate, the Biophysics and the Laboratory webpages.
Colby College -- pioneers in using the net as a classroom tool.