referencing Lillian’s Word documents
European palaces within Ruins of Yuanmingyuan, Beijing: photos by Druh Scoff on Flickr (view)
The Garden of Perfect Brightness3 Destruction, Looting, and Me


Baker, Malcolm and Brenda Richardson, eds. A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1997
Geramie R. Barmé, “A Garden of Perfect Brightness, A Life in Ruins,” East Asian History 11 (1996), 111-58.

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Chiu, Che Bing. Yuanming Yuan: le Jardin de la Clarté Parfaite. Bescançon: Editions de l’Imprimeur,  2000.

Danby, Hope. The Garden of Perfect Brightness: The History of the Yuan Ming Yuan and of the Emperors Who Lived There. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1950.

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The 20 Engravings
China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century. Exhibition, November 6, 2007–February 10, 2008 at the Getty Center. View

A Suite of Twenty Engravings of the Yuan Ming-Yuan Summer Palaces and Gardens of the Chinese Emperor Ch'ien Lung, New York Public Library (View)

European Palaces at the Garden of Perfect Brightness, engraver (printmaker): Yi Lantai (Chinese, active 1749-1786), MIT Department of Architecture; all 20 engravings. View


China and Europe Intertwined: A New View of the European Sector of the Chang Chun Yuan (View)

The jing of line-method: a perspective garden in the Garden of Round Brightness, PhD dissertation by Hui Zou, McGill School of Architecture, (c) 2005. This dissertation examines the history of the Western Multistoried-Buildings garden (Xiyang Lou) located within the Chinese imperial Garden of Round Brightness (Yuanming yuan) of the Qing dynasty. (View)

Remembering Imperialism in China: British and Chinese Representations of the Destruction of Yuan Ming Yuan, Bachelor’s thesis by Matthew James Van Duyn, Wesleyan, Class of 2009. View

Wikipedia: Xiyang Lou (Chinese: 西洋楼; pinyin: XīyángLóu; literally "Western mansion(s)"), are ruins of 18th-century European-style imperial buildings. View

Press Surrounding Yuanmingyuan Objects on the Contemporary Market

History of Gardens in East Asia by François Louis, Bard Graduate Center
Website includes Online Resources and Bibliography for the Yuanmingyuan. View

YMY 3: Destruction, Looting, and Memory