Lecture 3 Video

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Video Index

  • Special Relativity Review
    Brief summary of material covered in first two sessions, with focus on comparing relativistic properties to invariant properties.
  • Time Travel to the Future
    Method for traveling through time into the future as allowed by special relativity. Actual "time traveling" experienced by astronauts due to time dilation.
  • Time Travel to the Past
    Possibility of traveling through time into the past. Development of general relativity by Einstein. Equivalence principle, gravity, and acceleration.
  • Mass and Spacetime
    Curvature of spacetime due to mass and resulting effects. Gravitational time dilation. General relativity and motion. Movement of objects to extremize time.
  • Black Holes
    Definition of a black hole in terms of Newtonian mechanics and general relativity. Properties of black holes, including singularity, infinite curvature, infinite density. Evidence of the existence of black holes.
  • Wormholes
    Prediction of wormholes by general relativity. Definition of a wormhole. Method for traveling through time into the past by combining wormholes and special relativity.