Lecture 1 Video

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Video Index

  • Introduction to Excitatory Topics in Physics
    Instructor Nick DiBella introduces himself and briefly discusses the course contents and format.
  • What is Physics?
    General definition of physics as a collection of laws that describe everything. Isaac Newton and classical mechanics. Max Planck and classical electromagnetism. "Ultraviolet catastrophe." Definition of energy.
  • Modern Physics
    Major developments in physics during the 20th century, including quantum mechanics, special relativity, and general relativity.
  • Walking Through a Wall
    Quantum physics predicts that there is a chance that a person could walk through a wall; Nick tests this prediction, without success.
  • Special Relativity
    Definition of the two postulates of special relativity. Definition of an inertial observer.
  • Relativity Demonstration
    Simple demonstration of relativity of two people walking at different constant speeds. Invariance of the speed of light.