Lecture 1 video

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Video Index

  • Introduction
    Short bio of teacher, Justin Curry. Question of what is 'I'? How does consciousness arise out of unconscious components?
  • Tools for Thinking
    Themes that will run through the course: isomorphism, recursion, paradox, infinity, and formal systems. Fractal dimensions (non integer). Examples of paradoxes.
  • MU Puzzle
    Explanation of the puzzle, and a challenge to students.
  • Meta-thinking
    The ability of humans to step outside of formal systems—meta thinking.
  • PQ-
    Exploration of a very simple formal system.
  • Reality: A Formal System?
    Is reality just the most complex formal system? Does the universe behave deterministically?
  • Music in Gödel, Escher, Bach
    An overview of the role music plays in Gödel, Escher, Bach.

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