Studio 4. ---------------------------- Topics: Covariance, Correlation, CLT R: simulation --------------------------- Before class: 1. Post containing studio4.r and studio4-sol.r 2. Students should download this zip file and unzip it in their 18.05 R directory. --------------------------- For class: 1. Use studio4-slides.pdf 2. Follow class script below. --------------------------- After class: 1. Post studio4-solutions.pdf (This is a regular tex'd pdf with the solutions. Many of the solutions reference studio4-sol.r) --------------------------- Class script Slide 1. Everyone should have downloaded and unzipped Slide 2. Board question: covariance and correlation DISCUSSION: After the students finish, this should probably be gone through carefully. Slides 3,4. Problem 2: Simulation in R Point students at studio4.r for help. They've seen these functions before, so don't spend class time looking at them. DISCUSSION: Go over the conceptual pieces. Point them at the code in studio4-sol.r for the R work. Show slide 4 --plots for problem 2 Slides 5,6. Problem 3: More simulation Remind students that Jill and Jack overlap on the first 10 bets each day. DISCUSSION (probably won't have time --can point them to the solutions) --If time-- Talk about the code just adding in Jill's extra bets to handle the overlap. Show slide 6 --plot for problem 3