Studio 3. ---------------------------- Topics: Finish class 5 materials R: making histograms, histograms of averages --------------------------- Before class: 1. Post containing studio3.r and studio3-sol.r 2. Students should download this zip file and unzip it in their 18.05 R directory. --------------------------- For class: 1. Use studio3-slides.pdf 2. Follow class script below. --------------------------- After class: 1. Post studio3-slides-all.pdf (slides with solutions) --------------------------- Class script Slides 1-7. Regular class --finishing class 5 topics Slide 8. Download --they should have done this ahead of time Slide 9. **Brief** discussion of histograms. We come back to them in more detail in the next class. Slide 10. Demo studio3.r (7 minutes) Show class: rnorm, dnorm, pnorm, qnorm Show hist() with breaks=number Point out hist with breaks=array Point out lines() Have class look through the rest of studio3.r and then work on problems