Illustrations of China and Its People. Vol. 4 (London, 1874)

Text and photographs by John Thomson,
presented here according to the original
pagination. Images have been cropped.
Click to enlarge images.

Courtesy of Yale University Beinecke
Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

ct4001_1128897 ct4006_1128901 ct4008_1128903 ct4009_1128904 ct4010_1128905 ct4011_1128906 ct4012_1128907 ct4013_1128908 ct4014_1128909 ct4015_1128910 ct4020_1128911 ct4021_1128912 ct4022_1128913 ct4026_1128914 ct4027_1128915 ct4028_1128916 ct4029_1128917 ct4030_1128918 ct4031_1128919 ct4032_1128920 ct4033_1128921 ct4034_1128922 ct4035_1128923 ct4039_1128924 ct4040_1128925 ct4041_1128926 ct4042_1128927 ct4043_1128928 ct4044_1128929 ct4045_1128930 ct4046_1128931 ct4051_1128932 ct4052_1128933 ct4053_1128934 ct4054_1128935 ct4055_1128936 ct4060_1128937 ct4061_1128938 ct4062_1128939 ct4065_1128940 ct4066_1128941 ct4067_1128942 ct4072_1128943 ct4073_1128944 ct4074_1128945 ct4075_1128946 ct4080_1128947 ct4081_1128948 ct4082_1128949 ct4083_1128950 ct4084_1128951 ct4087_1128952 ct4088_1128953 ct4089_1128954 ct4094_1128955 ct4095_1128956 ct4096_1128957 ct4097_1128958 ct4098_1128959 ct4099_1128960 ct4100_1128961 ct4101_1128962 ct4102_1128963 ct4103_1128964 ct4104_1128965 ct4109_1128966 ct4110_1128967 ct4111_1128968 ct4112_1128969 ct4113_1128970

      Illustrations of China and Its People, a Series of Two Hundred Photographs
      with Letterpress Description of the Places and People Represented,
by John Thomson.
      4 vols. (London: Sampson Low, Marston Low, and Searle,
      1873 [vols. 1 and 2] and 1874 [vols. 3 and 4])

      On viewing images from the historical record: click here.
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2010 Visualizing Cultures
      Creative Commons - some rights reserved
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