MIT Visualizing Cultures
Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2017 Visualizing Cultures
The Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System I
The Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System II
The Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System III
The Garden of Perfect Brightness I
The Garden of Perfect Brightness II
The Garden of Perfect Brightness III
The Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System IV
The First Opium War
The Opium Wars in Japanese Eyes
Black Ships & Samurai
Black Ships & Samurai ll
Yokohama Boomtown
Kiyochika's Tokyo
Kiyochika's Tokyo
Kiyochika's Tokyo
Shanghai's Lens on the New(s) lll
Felice Beato’s Japan: Places
Felice Beato’s Japan: People
Globetrotters’ Japan: Places
Globetrotters’ Japan: People
John Thomson’s China I
John Thomson’s China II
John Thomson’s China III
Throwing Off Asia l
Throwing Off Asia ll
Throwing Off Asia lll
Photography & Power in the Colonial Philippines l
Photography & Power in the Colonial Philippines ll
Asia Rising
Yellow Promise/Yellow Peril
The  Empress Dowager and the Camera
The Cause of the Riots in the Yangtze Valley
Civilization and Barbarism
Boxer Uprising l
Boxer Uprising ll
Boxer Uprising lll
Social Protest in Imperial Japan
Ground Zero 1945
Ground Zero 1945
Selling Shiseido I
Selling Shiseido II
Selling Shiseido III
Tokyo Modern I
Tokyo Modern II
Tokyo Modern III
China's Modern Sketch I
China's Modern Sketch
China's Modern Sketch III
Pictures to Draw Tears
from Iron
Protest Art in 1950s Japan
Tokyo 1960: Days of Rage & Grief
Shanghai's Lens on the New(s) l
Shanghai's Lens on the New(s) ll
Political Protest in Interwar Japan l
Political Protest in Interwar Japan ll
MIT Visualizing CulturesMenu
MIT Visualizing Cultures VC UnitsMIT Visualizing Cultures About VC VC Scholars Partner Institutions Outreach Events Contact Join Us Follow UsVC UnitsUnits Icon View Text View CurriculaeKiyochika's Tokyo l Kiyochika's Tokyo ll Kiyochika's Tokyo lll Civilization and Barbarism Selling Shiseido I John Thomson’s China II Throwing Off Asia l Photography & Power in the Colonial Philippines ll Protest Art in 1950s Japan China's Modern Sketch I The Cause of the Riots in the Yangtze Valley Felice Beato’s Japan: Places Globetrotters’ Japan: People Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System III Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System II Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System I Rise & Fall of the Canton Trade System IV The Garden of Perfect Brightness I
The Garden of Perfect Brightness II The Garden of Perfect Brightness III Social Protest in Imperial Japan Felice Beato’s Japan: People John Thomson’s China I Ground Zero 1945 Tokyo Modern I Throwing Off Asia ll Globetrotters’ Japan: Places Boxer Uprising l Boxer Uprising ll Boxer Uprising lll The  Empress Dowager and the Camera Shanghai Modern II Shanghai's Lens on the New(s) III China's Modern Sketch II The Opium Wars II Yokohama Boomtown Black Ships & Samurai ll The Opium Wars I Tokyo 1960: Days of Rage & Grief Black Ships & Samurai China's Modern Sketch III Throwing Off Asia lll Yellow Promise/Yellow Peril Selling Shiseido II Shanghai Modern I Pictures to Draw Tears from Iron Selling Shiseido III Political Protest in Interwar Japan l Photography & Power in the Colonial Philippines l Ground Zero 1945 Tokyo Modern II Tokyo Modern III Asia Rising John Thomson’s China III Political Protest in Interwar Japan l